So here’s the gang. Hopefully we won’t get into too much trouble. History has often shown that when we get together, anything is possible. Please get to know those people that are closest to us. They have made a lasting impression on us and we hope they do the same for you. Thanks everyone, for helping us prepare for this very special day.
Maid of Honor — Keely Burns — Friend of the Bride
I met Keely at Northwest Missouri State University. I was a sophomore and she was a freshman. We both were going through rush that year. Although she became a Sigma Kappa and I became a Phi Mu we found we had mutual friends. I started going out with Keely and some of her friends and we really became friends second semester when her roommate took an internship in Omaha (Alyssa was her roommate who I didn’t know at the time). It’s interesting how much two people can go through and still be the best of friends. We started out on a bumpy road, liking the same guys but it only made us stronger friends. I really owe it to her for Dusty and I being together. If she hadn’t suggested we go downtown for New Year’s Eve, I might not be planning my wedding right now. Keely moved to Omaha after graduating and works at a non-profit organization as their public relations/human resource specialist.
Matron of Honor — Kristin (Tomford) Nelson — Friend of the Bride
Kristin and I went to junior high and high school together. We volunteered at Jennie Edmunson hospital together as candy stripers (teen volunteers) and wearing those red and white dresses. We went to prom together, we got tattoos together, we went to my grandma’s lake house together, and grew up together. We always somehow stayed in touch, even after I went to Maryville. Even though we were so young when we first met, we’ve managed to stay close. She’s my oldest and dearest of friends. Kristin got married to Adam in April 2005.
Bridesmaid — Alyssa (Welu) Stieren — Friend of the Bride
Alyssa and I met at Northwest, through Keely. She came back from her internship and returned as Keely’s roommate, the roommate that I had never met but heard a lot about. Through college we really got to know each other and hung out a lot. While Keely went to Las Vegas the next summer to visit her parents, Alyssa and I stayed Omaha. Alyssa got married to Greg the day before Dusty and I left for Europe, in fact, they are the reason we didn’t leave earlier. Alyssa is currently working for an accounting firm.
Bridesmaid — Jodi Howe — Sister of the Bride
Jodi is my younger sister by two years. She got married last September and I had the privilege of being in her wedding. She has two beautiful children, Emma and Mia. We hope to have both of the girls be flower girls. We’re not sure if Mia will be old enough but we’re going to try and start practicing now so she can get the hang of it. Jodi works in the office at Volvo Trucking in Omaha.
Bridesmaid — Sara Davidson — Sister of the Groom
Sara is Dusty’s younger sister by four years. Sara graduated from Iowa State in May 2007 with a public relations degree. She is spending this summer in Ames but we hope we’ll be seeing a lot more when she moves back to Omaha.
Flower Girl — Emma Vodicka — Niece of Bride Flower Girl — Mia Vodicka — Niece of Bride Flower Girl — Isabella O’Dell — Niece of Bride Flower Girl — Gabrielle O’Dell — Niece of Bride Flower Girl– Gracelyn O’Dell — Niece of Bride
Best Man — Andy Damgaard — Friend of the Groom
Damgaard and I have been friends for longer than I can remember. Friends in high school, then in college we were roommates for a while, and now we’re both living here in glorious Omaha. Damgaard is currently working part time for Warped Sportz, and is looking to start his own airbrushing business. He’s an – say it with me now – ENTREPRENEUR.
Groomsman — Brian Stageman — Friend of the Groom
Brian currently is in the Air Force, stationed in Arizona. Prior to that he was in cloudy England for a couple years, and prior to that he was living in Iowa City. Many good times were had at Brian’s apartment in Iowa City, especially when it involved Jakes. On Damgaard’s 21st, he punched a wall and broke his hand. That was funny. Oh, and he assembled the often-played “Crappy Stuff” CD’s.
Groomsman — Andy Diller — Friend of the Groom
For the past few years, Diller has been living the dream out in Colorado, skiing more days per year than any one of the rest of us skiis in a lifetime. Prior to that he also lived with Damgaard & I in Ames. He has recently moved back to the Omaha area.
Groomsman — Eric Diller — Friend of the Groom
Eric Diller (Andy’s brother, and also known as Diller when Andy’s not around), currently resides in Iowa City. Prior to that he lived and attended school in Cedar Falls, where much fun was had. He introduced the rest of us to the likes of HOSH, and UNI Homecoming. He once mumbled “spentences” for an entire evening, and I ate grilled cheese sandwiches. Yum.
Groomsman — Abe Colpitts — Friend of the Couple
I first met Abe long before I met Marlina, as he was friends with Matt Willard and would come to visit us in Ames. Little did I know that he had been friends with Marlina since high school. He currenly lives here in Omaha, so we see quite a bit of him. When we go out to the bars, Abe and I like to play crappy stuff on the jukebox, and stand back and watch the people clear out. Tis fun.
Usher — Josh Clanton — Friend of the Groom
Ever since Josh transfered to Iowa State halfway through college, we’ve hung out quite a bit. Tailgating at ISU football games and other random nights. He currently resides in Des Moines, where he works for CitiBank. One time, Josh spent the night in jail because I got water thrown on me. Thanks Josh.
Usher — Adam Laver — Friend of the Groom
Adam was the first out of my close group of friends to get married, which I likened to the “4 minute mile” — He was the first, then a bunch of people followed (me, Josh, Steve, etc). He now has a baby boy, which from the picture, looks just like him. They live in Springfield, MO currently, but hopefully they’ll be moving closer to the rest of us soon.
Usher — Steve Kenealy — Friend of the Groom
Last but certainly not least, is Steve. Actually, out of everyone, I probably see Steve the most. He’s a fellow computer nerd, and lives here in Omaha as well. He was really angry that I got to see the World Cup in Germany this summer. He got to watch it in HD though, which was probably better than the seats that we had.