Week 18

January 8, 2014


Week 18 went way too fast.  It being Christmas I wanted the week to last at least a month.  We took a lot of great photos of her during the holidays but I’m saving those for a recap holiday post I’ll be writing soon.

A couple days before Christmas we went for Annabelle’s 4-month check up.  She’s officially 14 lbs, 11 oz and 25.75 inches long.  She’s in the 62nd percentile for weight and 93rd percentile for height.  And just as a reference she was 11 lbs, 15 oz and 24.5 inches long when she went to her two-month check up.

The doctor gave us the okay to start feeding Annabelle “real” food and cereal.  I had a squash at the house so I pureed that up and fed her a little.  She loved it.  She’s trying to figure out how the whole spoon in mouth works.  It’s fun to watch her discover this new food.  Can’t wait to try other foods.


Annabelle was a lucky little lady and received a lot of wonderful gifts for Christmas.  We had a great time with family and enjoyed the few days that all three of us were at home over the holiday.

A couple days after Christmas I watched my two nieces while they’re on winter break.  I was a little worried about having all three kids together but it was so much fun.  Emma (11) and Mia (9) absolutely love Annabelle and can’t get enough of trying to make her laugh and entertain her.  One girl would hold Annabelle while the other one would make funny faces or noises, trying to get Annabelle to smile or giggle and then they’d trade so the other one could do the same.


She’s still not sleeping all that well at night.  And since she’s pretty much over her cold I thought it might be something else.  I talked to some friends and I guess there’s a thing called the 4-month sleeping regression.  All I know is that if I’m lucky, waking up every three hours in the middle of the night will only last for a month or so and if I’m not lucky, it’ll be much longer.  She goes to bed between 7 and 8pm but waking up every three hours.


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