39 Weeks

September 2, 2013

week 39

As you all know, we’ve welcomed our little Annabelle but I thought I’d update everyone on the last few days of my pregnancy.  My weekly emails say that our little bambino weighs over 7 pounds and about 20 inches long, about the size of a mini-watermelon.  This week has been one of the longest and I keep asking myself, “Are we there yet?”  I spent the last few days finishing up the nursery (yes, it’s finally done) as well as started the school year with a few presentations.  Even though we’re having a baby, life still continues and if she’s not here on Monday, I’ll be working.  Dusty has been working really hard so he can get as much done as he can before our little one arrives.

Weight Gain: I gained 2.5 pounds this past week and have gained 27 pounds overall.

Maternity Clothes: Same as last week, clothes are most definitely getting tighter and I’m trying to get as much use out of all of my maternity clothes as I can.

Sleep: This week I haven’t gotten much sleep, just because I’m getting so excited for everything to happen. On Sunday I decided I’m fully ready for this little girl to join our world and since then I’m just so anxious it’s hard to sleep.  Tuesday night I thought my water might have broken (but accidentally just peed my pants, which is very common) so I didn’t sleep at all hoping it was going to happen at any moment!  And then the following night I started having contractions off and on so again, I got very little sleep.

Food: Enjoying our walks to Ted & Wally’s for dutch chocolate ice cream.

Movement:  She’s still a mover and a shaker.  Her movements are more like stretches and pushes than summersaults.

Belly Button:  We have an outie!  What will it be like to have my old belly button again?

Mood: I’m super excited knowing that we’re due in less than a week but also anxious that we don’t know when it will come.  At this point we’re all set and ready to go so it’s a waiting game.  Physically and emotionally I’m doing great and am trying to enjoy these last few days.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Early in the week, I had the usual pregnancy symptoms that come with being 39 weeks pregnant, an achy back and a little heartburn.  Starting early Thursday I finally started to have contractions, the first time I could really say to myself, “that’s what a contraction feels like.”

Best Moment(s) This Week: We had another doctor’s appointment on Tuesday and I’m dilated to 3 cm.  We talked about what might happen if I need to schedule an induction but she doesn’t seem too worried at this point and neither are we. And the best moment this week was starting to have contractions Thursday and realizing “this is it” later that night!

Missing Anything: Not missing anything this week, just getting really excited for our little girl.

Looking Forward To: We’re looking forward to our little girl to arrive but until then I’m looking forward to Omaha Fashion Week this weekend (unless we have an early arrival).

Weekly Picture:  This week’s picture was taken near our apartment in the Old Market.

***My weekly posts are written during the week and then posted the following week, after I’ve taken my weekly picture and I’ve had time to edit them.***

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