• Holidays
  • Merry Christmas!

    December 25, 2014


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  • Happy Thanksgiving

    November 27, 2014


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  • monkey_001“My bananas! What happened to my bananas?!?!”

    I’m sure you’ve noticed how much I love dressing Annabelle up so holidays like Halloween come without an exception that she’ll be celebrating in style.  Our little monkey didn’t do any real trick or treating but we were able to capture a few good pictures in her adorable outfit. It’s the end of October and now the beginning of November and we’re still having absolutely beautiful weather! Last year she our little pumpkin!

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  • Happy 4th of July

    August 1, 2014


    I didn’t mention it in my last post but we also celebrated good old Independence Day! We haven’t really celebrated the 4th of July for years. This year we were lucky enough to be invited to our friends’ Michi and Eric’s house. They have two little boys of their own, Wesley and Rowan. Rowan and Annabelle are just a couple weeks apart in age and I think will be the best of friends. A few other girls from Book Club, Claire and Allison and significant others, also joined in on the fun! It was a beautiful afternoon and evening of friends, sparklers, and good conversation! I wish this could happen every weekend!

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  • Happy Easter

    April 20, 2014


    Happy Easter from our hoppy little lady!!!


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  • Our Little Leprechaun

    March 17, 2014


    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope you’re wearing your green! No pinches for Annabelle today!

  • Happy New Year 2014!

    February 1, 2014

    holidaycard_2013I’ve mentioned before how on top of things I was before Annabelle was born (or at least I felt like I was) and how things have changed.  I keep telling myself I’ll be back to my former glory but just need to give myself time.  We’ll see if that ever really happens but in the meantime, I’m just a little bit behind on things like holiday cards.  I finally got around to ordering and sending out cards so I thought I’d share a little new year cheer on the blog too.

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  • Holiday Recap

    January 19, 2014


    The holidays have come and gone but I haven’t had a chance to post any pictures from our first Christmas as family of three.  We actually don’t have many pictures because Annabelle somehow took a nap right around the same time we started opening gifts and there were so many things going on with family, presents, and food that our camera stayed in my purse most of the time.  Here are just a few pictures to remember our first of many.  I look forward to next year and the year after when Annabelle really starts realizing what all the excitement is about.  It’ll be so much fun to set cookies out for Santa and wake up on Christmas morning to open presents and to go to our families to spend the holidays with them.

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  • Merry Christmas

    December 25, 2013


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  • Annabelle & Santa

    December 24, 2013


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