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  • Saturne

    June 22, 2013


    While we’ve been in Paris this summer I’ve been updating our blog and at the same time, looking back at last year’s pictures from our trip.  It reminded me of all the great dinners we had last summer and that I never got around to blogging about all of them.  Saturne was one of those restaurants.  As you can expect, I can’t remember much from our dining experience other than that we got the wine pairing with our 7 course meal and that everything was delicious.

    saturne_002saturne_003navet de croissy, faisselle de chevre, groseille (turnip, cottage cheese goat, gooseberry)

    saturne_004thon blanc, concombre, amande fraiche (white tuna, cucumber, fresh almond)
    moules, grenaille au foin, plantes maritimes (molds, shot hay, sea plants)

    saturne_005homard bleu, radis, corail (blue lobster, radish, coral)
    pigeonneau, aubergine, girolles (squab, eggplant, mushrooms)

    saturne_006fraise, oseille, yaourt (strawberry, sorrel, yogurt)
    chocolate, betterave, malt (chocolate, beets, malt)

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