Week 21

February 2, 2014


This week was full of sickness in the Davidson household.  I always heard that daycare is a great way to build up your child’s immune system but really, is this what they meant.  This weekend we got together with both Dusty’s family and mine.  Friday we went to visit Dusty’s mom and then on Saturday we had my family over to celebrate family birthdays.  Late Saturday night I made a comment to Dusty that I just wasn’t feeling right and that my stomach was a little achy.  Long story short, I ended up with a stomach bug late Saturday leading into Sunday and then Dusty got it Sunday leading into Monday.  In the end six of us got the stomach flu.  Annabelle was saved from the disaster but we have a feeling she was “patient zero” as Dusty likes to say.  Dusty and I were so very grateful that our sickness was staggered and that Dusty started getting sick just as I was starting to feel better.  Our house would have fallen completely apart otherwise.

As Dusty was still recovering from the stomach bug on Monday, I got a call from daycare letting me know that Annabelle had a nasty bout of pink eye and I needed to pick her up (and she couldn’t come back until 24 hours after it was treated).  And here was another learning moment for a new mommy.  I actually didn’t know exactly what pink eye looked like or how to treat it.  I’ve heard of it and get that a person has a pink eye(s) when they get it but had no idea what it really looked like.  It’s not just red eyes but there’s gooey, crusty stuff that also collects around the eye (and the way doctors really detect pink eye in my opinion).  Another learning moment, it’s very contagious and you must take your baby to the doctor’s to get it diagnosed and then treated (prescription eye drops will do it).  So, after one week at daycare Annabelle brought two illnesses home, went to the doctor, and had to stay home an extra day until the medication kicked in, and we learned what it really means to be parents.


On the brighter side, Annabelle does love daycare and I can tell she’s soaking so much in, interacting with all of the other kids and with her teachers.  This week we also attended a daycare infant and toddler parent meeting.  I heard they have meetings once a month.  I was a little skeptical on what I might learn that would require having meetings monthly but I was so surprised and am excited for the next meeting.  It was an awesome learning opportunity and so glad I went.  Dusty was able to go too and he thought it was really helpful as well.  They talked a lot about the Montessori philosophy and what they’re teaching our little infants and toddlers everyday.  They gave me so many great ideas of things we can do at home with Annabelle.  And yes, we’ve been doing lots of learning activities at home with Annabelle but as a teacher myself, and Dusty and I wanting to do as much as we can to help Annabelle grow intellectually, I’m always excited to hear more ideas.

Sleep is still not improving.  I’ll leave it at that.  We’re waking up every three hours.


She’s rolling over like crazy and we’re spending a lot of our time helping her get to her back once she’s rolled to her stomach.  Every once in a while she’ll roll to her back by herself but most of the time she wants help.

Annabelle’s so well tempered.  Even with her pink eye and a bit of a runny nose she’s in good spirits.  She’s always smiling and loves talking to anyone who will listen.  She’s in love with mirrors.  We have a huge mirror in our bedroom that’s at least 6 feet tall and she loves laying on the floor just looking into it, smiling and trying to figure out who that adorable little lady is looking back at her.


Love catching all kinds of faces when we take our weekly pictures.  This was a really good one.  I think she was telling us it was time for the photo shoot to be over.

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