Week 22

February 4, 2014


I always wondered why parents said, “time went too fast” or “that their kids were growing up too fast.” I think it was because I always thought that time just went too fast for everyone but here I am, saying it myself.  Our dear little Annabelle is growing up so fast.  She turned 5-months old (and well on her way to six)!  I think parents say it so often because you have this little human that’s growing in front of your eyes and you see how things change so fast.  When it’s only yourself, you don’t stop to look in the mirror everyday and notice the changes.


Annabelle has the grip of an arm wrestling champion.  She’s man-handling her toys (and my hair) and not afraid to grab anything and everyone.  It’s so amazing to see how just in the past couple of weeks we’re no longer putting things in her hands so she can gingerly let them lay there while she investigates what it is but she’s going after things on her own.  I love putting a couple of her favorite toys near her and then watch her roll over, grab for them, and then shove them into her mouth.


How are our nights going you might ask?  I’d say the same except that Friday night she slept five hours straight!!!  She slept from 7:30pm to 12:30am and then got up at 3:30am and 6:30am.  What’s even more surprising is that she stayed in her crib until almost 10am on Saturday.  It was the most amazing night and morning ever!  And naps are great too.  This is Annabelle’s third week at daycare and she’s adjusting well to her schedule.  She takes a short morning nap and then a longer afternoon nap.

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Annabelle’s almost able to sit on her own* (*her form is still lacking just a bit but she has the general idea).  Her sitting position resembles a hunch back leaning tripod.  I’ve been sitting on the floor with my legs stretched out and having Annabelle sit between my legs so she can practice her new found skill.  We’re also having her sit in a clothes basket with a blanket in front of her to practice her balance (an idea we got from daycare).  It’s so much fun to watch her in her tripod-seated position and then slowly lean forward or to the side and then, plop, she’s laying on the floor.

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1 Comment

  • Comment by Megan — February 5, 2014 @ 2:44 am

    Cute! So fun when they learn to sit.

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