Week 24

February 23, 2014

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 24

I love how much our little bean smiles these days.  She’s so expressive and bubbly.  She’s never in a bad mood (okay, maybe when she’s just pooped or when she’s hungry or when it’s getting close to bedtime but otherwise, she’s darn near perfect).

Right now Annabelle’s in this great spot where she enjoys playing on the floor by herself and is trying to figure out everything around her.  Sometimes I think she’s trying to look right inside of us to figure us out.  I know she’s thinking, who is this person and how can I get her to do everything I want!  I’m just amazed at how her little mind is growing.  She’s getting even better at “finding” toys around her and trying to grab them to put in her mouth.


Annabelle is in loves tags.  Yes, she loves those tags that they put on stuffed animals, on the inside of shirts, on blankets and on toys that say what the product is made out of and includes all kinds of warnings.  I’m telling you, we have some of the coolest toys and what she’s doing is laying there, with this cool toy, trying to grab at the tag attached to the cool toy.  I remember months ago saying to myself that one of these days I should cut those tags off some of those toys because they were ugly.  Now I’m kind of glad I didn’t because they give her all kinds of entertainment.


Annabelle loves her food.  We’ve been making and feeding her baby food for a while but it’s never been very consistent.  We’ll try some squash or cereal or sweet potatoes here or there but it’s not every day.  We’ve starting finding it to her every day though and she really likes it.  This week I brought sweet potatoes for Annabelle’s lunch and her teachers said that she’s a really great eater.  I guess some of the other kids don’t like eating (or aren’t good at it) but she’s a rockstar! Loves her sweet potatoes.


Sleep, the topic I like thinking about the least but end up talking about (and thinking about, and reading about) the most! Annabelle’s sleeping like a 6-month old.  She has good nights and not so good nights.  We started trying a bit of sleep training at the end of the week.  I’ll save that fun stuff for another post.

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