Week 29

March 31, 2014

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 29

I loved holidays before Annabelle was here but now with a child in the house I’m truly in love with holidays. St. Patrick’s day was no exception! Annabelle got a new outfit from Grandma Jane that she looked absolutely adorable in. Everyone at daycare was a bit jealous of her green tutu pants.  There’s a parade every year that goes through the Old Market and with it being a tad warmer than it’s been, we decided to take Annabelle to see her first parade. She wasn’t all that excited for the parade, it happened to fall right at the same time as nap time so she took a few peeks and then fell asleep. Things like parades make me excited for when Annabelle gets older.  When she’ll get excited to see the green horse, the candy being thrown, the Irish dancers, men in kilts, and the fire trucks that come at the end.

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 29

Annabelle is still our little yogi! She loves downward dog. The notes that are sent home from daycare each day have talked a lot about how much she likes being on her head and how all of her teachers are amazed by all of her acrobatics. Currently it’s her way of getting around and then being able to sit. No more rolling for our little lady, she’s all about sitting and her crazy acrobatics.

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 29

Annabelle is becoming a grabber, hair grabber that is.  The other day I picked up Annabelle and watched as she pulled another kid’s hair.  I got to daycare and she was sitting by a younger friend who was laying on his stomach playing with a toy.  Annabelle placed her hand on the little boy’s head, patted it and then grabbed a bit of hair and pulled.  Poor little guy was upset and I don’t blame him.  Her teachers told me she’s done it a few times.  She’s just figuring it all out and testing out her new fangled ability to use those little pinchers of hers.

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 29

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