Week 32

April 17, 2014

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 32

The biggest news of the week is that we’ve found our first tooth!!  It’s reasons like this that I love writing weekly updates.  On Sunday (March 30) Dusty was playing with Annabelle and made the discovery.  It’s one of the bottom middle ones.  This means teething has begun.  I promptly got out the baby Tylenol and teething gel to help relieve some of this pain that has to be coming but we haven’t noticed any real changes in her demeanor and she doesn’t seem to bothered by this foreign object in her mouth.  I had assumed the negative effects of getting teeth started right at away but nothing yet.  All I hope is that it’s not too rough on her when it all starts. Read more information about Delaney Park Dental for oral health and hygiene.

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 32

This week Annabelle had a couple of play dates with her cousins.  It’s so much fun to watch them all together.  Emma and Mia take turns carrying her around the living room and making her laugh.  They have this game they play where one of them gets to try to make Annabelle laugh and once she does the other gets a turn.  They go back and forth like this while I’m watching from the kitchen, trying to get some dishes done.  I’m so amazed that even though Annabelle and her cousins are more than 7 years apart that they have so much fun together.

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 32

Now that she’s getting a bit older and has started getting teeth I wanted to introduce some new foods.  Annabelle ate pureed plums and zucchini this week.  As always, she did fine with both.  I think the zucchini is a little less flavorful for her and isn’t as exciting as some off the other foods.  We’ve been mixing the zucchini with other foods to make it a bit more tasty.

Weekly Baby Picture / Week 32

Evenings at home are a lot of fun.  She’s old enough now that she can play on the kitchen floor when we make dinner.  While Dusty’s cooking I’ll prepare some dinner for Annabelle and feed her.  And then I’ll give her a few baby buff snacks that she can gnaw on for a bit.  She’ll play for a bit longer and then right before or right after dinner I nurse her before going to bed.

Putting Annabelle to bed is usually a family affair.  Now that I think about it, it’s not only bedtime but anytime she needs a new diaper or a new outfit.  She’s such a wiggler and wants to be on all fours or sitting that laying down for a diaper change or to get pajamas on involves Dusty entertaining her while I carefully maneuver around and change her.  In the mornings I’ll hold her, facing Dusty and while he talks to her I’ll put her onsie on and then Dusty quickly puts pants on her.  If there’s only one of us she’s already crawled across the room with a shirt around her head, naked from the neck down.

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