• Knitting Newbie

    May 14, 2013

    If there’s a craft, I’ve tried it (or want to try it).  For a while it was scrapbooking and then it was making  jewelry.  I also love making anything stationary related like Christmas cards and invitations.  This sparked an interest in learning how to use Photoshop and Illustrator (which I’m still not quite sure how to use).  I’ve done a few cross stitch projects.  I’m currently into quilting but I also try other sewing projects on occasion.  In fact, I just recently made a long cotton maxi skirt that I’ve been wearing now that my belly has gotten bigger.  I’ve tried to crochet and also dabbled in knitting.  Let’s just say, even before Pinterest was a thing I was finding projects in magazines and on blogs that I was following and then trying to learn the craft on my own.

    My dear friend Wendy learned how to knit a few months ago and has been posting lovely pictures of her accomplishments online.  Of course, I was hooked and wanted to take a second attempt at knitting.  My first attempt was while Dusty and I were dating (about 7 hears ago) and I made him a scarf which he wore proudly.  Last weekend Wendy hosted an awesome knitting party and gave a great lesson on how to knit .  She even contacted  Lion Brand Yarns and they sponsored the party, providing two skeins of yarn, knitting needles, a tape measure and tote bag for each person.  I had a blast at Wendy’s party!  Afterwards I went home and spent the entire night watching YouTube videos on how to knit all kinds of different things.  So, I think I’ve found a new hobby for the summer!!! Maybe by Christmas I’ll have made scarves for everyone!!! Here are a few photos (courtesy of Wendy) of the knitting party as well as a few pictures of my current knitting projects! I’ve finished my first scarf and started on a baby blanket.

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  • 24 Weeks

    May 13, 2013

    24 weeks edit

    Our bambino is the size of a small cantaloupe this week!  She’s growing quite fast in my opinion.  I remember the days when Dusty and I were comparing her to fruits like bananas or oranges.  It’s hard to believe I have something the size of a cantaloupe in my stomach.

    This week Dusty spent the entire week focused on Big Omaha while I spent most of the week trying to finish baby quilts for friends and finishing some things at work.

    I don’t have any really big pregnancy or bambino updates that’s happened over the past week but wanted to share how I’ve been feeling this week as well as two of my favorite moments from this week.

    Food: I’m in love with Kit-Kat candy bars!  They had mini Kit-Kats at the Big Kansas City conference in March and ever since I’ve become quite in love.  I haven’t actually bought any (which I’m very proud of because I’ve been tempted) but every time I go to Dusty’s office they have some left over from the event and then take a few home with me.  They had them at Big Omaha this week and I ate a small mountain worth of them.

    Mood: This week was great!  Mentally and physically I’m feeling really good.  All of the pregnancy websites say some of the pregnancy symptoms at this time are swollen ankles and feet, leg cramps, back aches and stretch marks but those haven’t quite come yet.  I’m sure they’ll be here before I know it but I’m cherishing the good times while I still have them.

    Best Moment(s) This Week: My favorite moments this week were going to the doctor’s for my 24 week check-up and attending Big Omaha.  My belly is measuring like it should, which means the baby is growing, and her heartbeat sounds strong and steady!  I go back in for another check-up in 2 weeks for one of those pesky gestational diabetes screenings and to check-in with the doctor before we leave for our trip.

    Big Omaha this year was another huge success! Every year I write a post about Big Omaha and how awesome it is getting to be a part of this amazing event.  You can’t believe how much work goes into this three-day event but it’s so worth the effort because such wonderful things happen!  Going is so special to me because it really showcases the reasons why Dusty, and so many others, do what they do.  I don’t think everyone understands or gets why Dusty works as hard as he does, why he works so many long hours, or why he started his own company but attending Big Omaha and seeing all of the success so many have had or will have and what they are trying to create, including Dusty, makes me so supportive of him being an entrepreneur.

    Looking Forward To: Looking forward to packing for our trip.  We leave in less than 2 weeks!

    ***My weekly posts are written during the week and then posted the following week, after I’ve taken my weekly picture and I’ve had time to edit them.***

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  • Daisy’s Baby Quilt

    May 13, 2013

    My friend, Kate, hosted a baby shower for her fiance’s sister and wanted to know if I could help create a keepsake quilt.  I’ve made these in the past for friends and absolutely love them.  I gave Kate 5 inch white fabric squares and fabric markers for guest to create personalized squares for baby Daisy.  Here are pictures of what the quilt looked like as I was putting everything together.

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  • 23 Weeks

    May 9, 2013

    week 23 edit

    Our bambino is the size of a grapefruit.  The blogs I follow tell me that she’s starting to listen to whats going on outside of her home in my belly and she can even feel movement.  I’ve been turning up the radio on in the car and at the house, and even dancing on occasion, hoping she’ll have a better sense of rhythm than I do.

    This week I gave final exams and entered final grades while Dusty was in NYC for the first part of the week and spent the rest of the week preparing for Big Omaha.

    Gender & Name:  You all know it’s a girl but no one knows the name yet! We’re still not quite sure what she’s going to be called either.  It’s a big commitment to choose a name.  We’re still calling her “bambino” and Dusty’s even shortened it to “bino” (beano).  On occasion we make up great names like Henrietta, Rodette, Harley, and Jezebel just to throw people off.

    Weight Gain: Some of you might have noticed that I stopped posting about my weight.  It’s not because I don’t want to share, it’s just because I actually forgot what my weight was and how it’s changed.  I decided I’d just wait until I go to my next doctor’s appointment and get an accurate count and then start up again.  If I were to speculate, I’ve gained approximately 2 pounds each week for the past few weeks.  I’m most definitely putting on the pounds and you can see it in my growing belly!

    Maternity Clothes: Have I told you how much I love maternity pants?  I think I have but I’m telling you again, they’re the best things ever!  Since school has ended for the semester and I don’t have to be on campus very much, I’ve been wearing my awesome maternity capris and lots of cotton dresses and maxi skirts.

    Sleep: I’m sleeping great but most definitely no longer sleeping on my stomach.  I’ve been sleeping on my sides for almost a month now but I don’t think I’ve mentioned how weird it is to not be able to sleep the same way you’ve slept for the last 30 years of my life.  I wonder if I’ll go back to sleeping on my stomach once I have the baby or if I’ll have trained myself to sleep in a new position.

    Food: I’ve been eating a lot of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with chips for lunch.  I’m still loving ALL food and really enjoying those desserts!  If I can’t drink wine then I think I deserve some kind of delicious treat!

    Missing Anything: Not missing anything this week!  I’m just feeling really good about everything!

    Movement:  She’s a mover and a shaker! I love feeling her move and wish she’d stay up all day and dance around for me.  I constantly tell Dusty she’s moving and I think he’s a little sad that he can’t quite feel her yet.  There was one time this past week that he was able to feel her but it was just the slightest of movements.

    Belly Button: It’s getting darn close to no longer being an outie.  I find myself sticking my finger in my belly button because it’s so odd to me that my little innie is disappearing.

    Mood: I’ve been in a great mood!  The doctor’s don’t lie when they say that you really do feel great during your second trimester.  I was one of those lucky ones that have felt really good throughout my entire pregnancy but now that I’m showing and we’re sharing our exciting news with everyone, it makes things even better!!!  This week we have final exams so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and have been able to do most of my work from home, and that makes for a great mood as well.

    Best Moment(s) This Week: My best moment this week is entering final grades and having that feeling of finalization and accomplishment for the semester.  My second favorite moment this week was picking up Dusty at the airport and just being happy to have him back at home!

    Looking Forward To: I’m looking forward to celebrating Big Omaha’s five year anniversary!  I’m also looking forward to my 24 week doctor’s appointment and hearing our bambino’s heartbeat.

    ***My weekly posts are written during the week and then posted the following week, after I’ve taken my weekly picture and I’ve had time to edit them.***

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  • Megan’s Baby Shower

    May 2, 2013

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    This weekend I hosted a baby shower for a wonderful friend, Megan (she’s the one in the black dress with the gold necklace), who’s having a precious little boy in June.  Megan and her lovely husband Dan are such great people and we can’t wait to meet their gorgeous addition to the family.  She’s the third one having a baby in our book club (Keely was 1, Melissa was 2, Leanne will be number 4, Michi will be number 5 and I’ll be 6).  If you can believe it, these six babies will all have come in just one year.

    It was so much fun planning out the invitations, decorations, and games for Megan’s shower.  I also owe a big thank you to Michi, Kate, and Claire for helping with the food too!!  We didn’t play any competition games but we did help Megan and Dan with Baby Fletcher’s name.  We also did a Mad Lib.  Does anyone remember this from when you were younger.  We helped tell Megan’s birthing adventure by choosing random verbs, adjectives, etc. and then filling the words into a story about Baby Fletcher being born.  We also decorated fabric squares that I’ll make into a baby quilt.

    I feel so lucky to have Megan as a friend because she’s just far enough ahead in her pregnancy that I can ask her questions and she always has the answer for me.  I can’t imagine what I would do if I didn’t have all of these wonderful friends who have already had children or are now pregnant and can help me along the way.

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  • Nursery Mood Board

    May 1, 2013

    Nursery Moodboard

    Just a little inspiration for our bambino’s nursery.

    1. Birds Mobile from Etsy 2. Birds Artwork from Etsy 3. Printable Art by Kelly Hicks Design 4. Decorative Ampersand by Elise 5. Abacus from CB2 (No longer available) 6. You Are My Sunshine Print Set from Etsy 7. 8. DaVinci Jenny Lind Stationary Crib from Target 9. Decorative Pillows from Etsy 10. Watercolor Artwork from Etsy (Altered left arrow color) 11. Watercolor Art from Etsty 12. Love Printable Artwork from Persnickety

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  • 22 Weeks

    April 30, 2013

    week 22

    This week our bambino is the size of a papaya and almost a pound!  This is my last week of classes and all I’ve been doing in my spare time is grading final papers and presentations.  Next week things start to slow down at work and I’m really excited to finalize everything at school and start the summer off smoothly.  The baby is due right as the academic year is starting in the fall so I feel a little extra pressure to get my ducks in a row so I won’t be rushing (waddling) around school in the fall.

    I think my nesting phase has kicked in and all I can think about is getting the apartment ready for our bambino.  Actually, the whole nesting thing started a while ago but I’ve been telling myself there will be plenty of time once the spring semester is over and I can change focus from work to home.

    Gender: It’s a girl! We’re starting to think of names but nothing too serious yet.  I think we’ll probably wait until we’re in Paris and have a little more time to contemplate options.

    Maternity Clothes: I’m still wearing a lot of dresses and maxi skirts.  The weather is a little wonky right now so half of the week I wore dresses or long skirts and the rest of the week I was in leggings and maternity jeans with sweaters.

    I bought a pair of maternity pants and it was the best decision ever! I don’t know why I waited so long to start wearing them (they’ve been sitting in my closet for a couple of weeks)! I’m now trying to convince Dusty that he should purchase some too!!! They’re so comfy!

    Sleep: I’m sleeping relatively well.  I didn’t have nearly as many crazy dreams as last week.

    Food: I’m still craving everything!

    Missing Anything: I was really missing my pants this week and being able to fit into some of my regular sized jeans!  I remember the days when I couldn’t wait until I started showing and now that they’re here I just want to fit into some of those cute summer capris I have from last summer.

    Movement:  One of my favorite things is to feel our little bambino move.  The baby books and emails I get tell me that the baby’s settling into a sleep cycle, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It been a lot of fun tracking her movements and seeing what kind of routine she’s created for herself.  I know the kicking and punching will get more aggressive and become uncomfortable at times as she grows but I love feeling her move about.  I can’t wait until Dusty can really start to feel her movements too!

    Belly Button: It’s most definitely getting bigger and flatter.

    Mood: Overall, I was in a great mood this week and am feeling really good.  It’s crazy how my emotions can take over though.  On Monday we were supposed to take the gender reveal pictures but it rained and the lighting was really bad in the house so we couldn’t do it and I had an emotional breakdown.  I was so upset that I had bought balloons (for the second time, because the first planned attempt didn’t pan out either), put make-up on, did my hair and changed my clothes.

    We went to visit a couple of daycares on Friday and saw a friend of ours dropping off her daughter right at the same time.  She was making a comment about how she cried when they went to check out of daycares.  I thought to myself, “no way that’s going to be me.  What’s the big deal?”  Well, we got inside, talked to someone for a bit and then started the tour.  What would you know, the moment I walked into the infant room, where several of the little ones were sleeping, I started getting tears in my eyes.  Just the thought of my little girl sleeping peacefully in one of those cribs brought tears to my eyes.

    Best Moment(s) This Week: One of my favorite moments this week was throwing a baby shower for a friend of mine, Megan, who’s having a boy in June.  We had a lot of fun eating, drinking (non-alcoholic beverages for me) and sharing pregnancy and baby stories.  I love hosting parties so it was so much fun to have everyone over on such a nice Saturday afternoon.

    Another great moment this week was starting the baby registry process!  I didn’t realize how difficult it would be trying to figure out what our little bambino is going to need and want when she’s born.  It does feel good to start crossing that item off my to-do list though.

    Looking Forward To: Finishing my last week of school for the semester!

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  • Nursery Color Palette

    April 29, 2013

    Color palette

    I didn’t realize how difficult it could be to decide on a nursery theme.  After finding out we’re having a girl and then spending a long time searching nursery themes and colors on the internet, we decided on shades of yellow, coral, and gray. Here’s our color palette.


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  • 21 Weeks

    April 28, 2013

    week 21

    This week our bambino is the size of a pomegranate and the length of a carrot.  I had a busy week at work and Dusty had an equally busy week.  I’m really excited for classes to end so I can focus on my baby to do list.  I’m starting to realize that we’ll be in Paris for a month and this means we need to get a lot of things done in the next month before we leave.

    I’m currently researching child care options and have made appointments for Dusty and I to visit a few places.  We also have a few names of pediatricians and will be talking to doctor’s once summer starts and my schedule slows down a little.

    Gender: It’s a girl! I still can’t believe the little bambino in my belly isn’t just an “it” but is a really person!

    Maternity Clothes: I’m wearing a lot of dresses, maxi skirts, and leggings with long shirts.

    Sleep: I’m still sleeping really well and getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep each night.  I wake up once to use the bathroom but usually go back to sleep easily.  There were a couple of nights that I had unusual dreams/nightmares and couldn’t go back to sleep for a while but overall, I’m waking up in the morning feeling refreshed.

    Food: I’m still really hungry all the time! I have no food aversions which is a nice relief.

    Missing Anything: I really didn’t miss anything in particular this week.  I’m getting use to not being able to eat and drink certain things like lunch meat, wine, diet coke, raw sushi, and cheese.

    I am missing the ease of getting out of bed in the morning, bending over, and flexibility I once had when doing yoga.  What’s crazy is that these things are only going to get more difficult.  I’ve started to see how easy it once was to move around and how my body is changing.

    Movement:  I’m feeling a lot of movement from our bambino.  I’m starting to notice that she moves around in the morning around 9 or 10am and then again in the evening around 8 or 9pm.  I love feeling her move around and I can’t tell you how comforting it is.  I no longer worry nearly as much as I did earlier in the pregnancy.  Feeling her move around has been such a huge reassurance.  She’s a little stubborn though.  When Dusty puts his hand on my belly she just doesn’t want to move around anymore.

    Belly Button: I still have an innie but it’s most definitely getting bigger and flatter.  It’ll be a while before it’s an outie but it’s getting closer!

    Mood: This week was a hard week.  My 21 year old cousin passed away unexpectedly and it was a very emotional.  My emotions are most definitely a little more up and down this week.

    Best Moment(s) This Week: Choosing the nursery colors!

    Looking Forward To: Accomplishing some things on our baby to do list!

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  • Half Way There

    April 28, 2013

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    I can’t believe that I’ve entered the second half of my pregnancy and that in four months (or less) this little bambino will be coming out of my belly.  Up to this point I’ve hardly felt pregnant until these past few weeks.  All of a sudden my belly is bigger and it’s getting a little more difficult to move around.

    Since finding out we’re having a baby girl, everything has started to become a lot more real.  Another factor adding to the reality of this whole ‘it’s not just an alien in my belly’ thing is that I’m feeling our little girl move around more and more.

    Early on we started thinking of baby names but now that we’ve found out that we’re 100% sure of the sex, the discussion has begun again.  We’ve come up with a few names but nothing we’re monograming on anything.

    With 19 weeks left until our little bambino arrives I’m feeling really unprepared.  I’ve started a list of major things we need to do by August but I know there are so many other things that need to be on the list as well.

    To Do List Before Our Bambino Arrives
    Choose nursery colors and decor
    Decorate the nursery
    Purchase & set up crib and mattress
    Create a baby registry
    Choose a name
    Clean out closet in nursery
    Research and book hospital classes
    Tour hospital
    Purchase some necessities (diapers, blankets, onsies)
    Bring home bambino’s dresser (this was and is our first and only major purchase)
    Choose a pediatrician
    Pack hospital bag
    Schedule doctor’s appointment in Paris
    Get all of the big stuff like car seat and stroller
    Choose child care
    Think about labor and decide on a birthing plan
    Stock up on household supplies

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