This week our bambino is the size of a papaya and almost a pound! This is my last week of classes and all I’ve been doing in my spare time is grading final papers and presentations. Next week things start to slow down at work and I’m really excited to finalize everything at school and start the summer off smoothly. The baby is due right as the academic year is starting in the fall so I feel a little extra pressure to get my ducks in a row so I won’t be rushing (waddling) around school in the fall.
I think my nesting phase has kicked in and all I can think about is getting the apartment ready for our bambino. Actually, the whole nesting thing started a while ago but I’ve been telling myself there will be plenty of time once the spring semester is over and I can change focus from work to home.
Gender: It’s a girl! We’re starting to think of names but nothing too serious yet. I think we’ll probably wait until we’re in Paris and have a little more time to contemplate options.
Maternity Clothes: I’m still wearing a lot of dresses and maxi skirts. The weather is a little wonky right now so half of the week I wore dresses or long skirts and the rest of the week I was in leggings and maternity jeans with sweaters.
I bought a pair of maternity pants and it was the best decision ever! I don’t know why I waited so long to start wearing them (they’ve been sitting in my closet for a couple of weeks)! I’m now trying to convince Dusty that he should purchase some too!!! They’re so comfy!
Sleep: I’m sleeping relatively well. I didn’t have nearly as many crazy dreams as last week.
Food: I’m still craving everything!
Missing Anything: I was really missing my pants this week and being able to fit into some of my regular sized jeans! I remember the days when I couldn’t wait until I started showing and now that they’re here I just want to fit into some of those cute summer capris I have from last summer.
Movement: One of my favorite things is to feel our little bambino move. The baby books and emails I get tell me that the baby’s settling into a sleep cycle, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It been a lot of fun tracking her movements and seeing what kind of routine she’s created for herself. I know the kicking and punching will get more aggressive and become uncomfortable at times as she grows but I love feeling her move about. I can’t wait until Dusty can really start to feel her movements too!
Belly Button: It’s most definitely getting bigger and flatter.
Mood: Overall, I was in a great mood this week and am feeling really good. It’s crazy how my emotions can take over though. On Monday we were supposed to take the gender reveal pictures but it rained and the lighting was really bad in the house so we couldn’t do it and I had an emotional breakdown. I was so upset that I had bought balloons (for the second time, because the first planned attempt didn’t pan out either), put make-up on, did my hair and changed my clothes.
We went to visit a couple of daycares on Friday and saw a friend of ours dropping off her daughter right at the same time. She was making a comment about how she cried when they went to check out of daycares. I thought to myself, “no way that’s going to be me. What’s the big deal?” Well, we got inside, talked to someone for a bit and then started the tour. What would you know, the moment I walked into the infant room, where several of the little ones were sleeping, I started getting tears in my eyes. Just the thought of my little girl sleeping peacefully in one of those cribs brought tears to my eyes.
Best Moment(s) This Week: One of my favorite moments this week was throwing a baby shower for a friend of mine, Megan, who’s having a boy in June. We had a lot of fun eating, drinking (non-alcoholic beverages for me) and sharing pregnancy and baby stories. I love hosting parties so it was so much fun to have everyone over on such a nice Saturday afternoon.
Another great moment this week was starting the baby registry process! I didn’t realize how difficult it would be trying to figure out what our little bambino is going to need and want when she’s born. It does feel good to start crossing that item off my to-do list though.
Looking Forward To: Finishing my last week of school for the semester!