The weeks are going fast and I’m starting to wonder when our little bambino will be joining us in her new home. Up until this point actually having our bambino was so far in the future that it was hard to start planning what came next but the time is now upon us. This week I had my last bi-weekly doctor’s appointment and got our maternity pictures taken. In two weeks we start having weekly doctor visits!
Our little bambino is almost five pounds now and about 18 inches long. She’s the size of a cantaloupe or butternut squash. Our little girl can recognize and react to simple songs so we’ve been playing her music! We got some great CDs from one of Dusty’s Aunts and I found a free app for my phone with lullabies so we’ve been playing those for her. Dusty even makes up his own lullabies and sings those when he’s feeling really inspired.
Weight Gain: Officially, I gained about 1.5 pounds these past two weeks. This was at the beginning of the week so I’m sure it was really more like 2 pounds by the end.
Maternity Clothes: Lots of t-shirts and shorts at the house and maternity dresses when I venture outside.
Sleep: Sleep continues to be difficult for a number of reasons including restroom breaks in the middle of the night, weird dreams, waking up to another item I need to add to my to-do list, the heat, achy back, and just restlessness in general. This morning I woke up at 5am and couldn’t go back to sleep so I got up, did a few things around the house for a few hours and then went back to sleep for an hour.
Food: I’m still craving all of the delicious food around me while trying to maintain some will power! I’ve decided it’s not a good idea to send a pregnant lady to the grocery store alone for several reasons. One reason, I brought home dark chocolate covered caramels with sea salt and little donuts. My second reason is that I decided if I had this baby early we needed to have groceries stocked up, otherwise Dusty would purchase groceries (until I was able to again) at Cubby’s (the corner store). So, I bought lots of random things we could stock up on like paper towels, toilet paper, pasta noodles, Diet Mountain Dew, etc.
Movement: She’s moving constantly. When we went to the doctor this week our doctor said our little bambino was head down and that she was looking out so her pokes and shoves were very easy to feel. She’s since moved to so her little rear end is to one side and she’s looking to the other side, still head down (or at least that’s what it feels like).
Belly Button: No going back, it’s an outie.
Mood: For the most part, I’m feeling good and just trying to stay busy so the waiting doesn’t seem so long. I’m most definitely an emotional ball of worms at times but Dusty’s been such a great husband, always saying the right things, doing nice things for me, and making me feel better! It’s so crazy how the smallest thing can bring tears to my eyes or get me just a little more frustrated than usual.
Pregnancy Symptoms: My belly is most definitely the center of the attention and is only getting bigger by the week. I love my growing belly and can’t imagine what it’ll look like in a month. I went through my pregnancy with very few negative pregnancy symptoms but I’ve started feeling them these past few weeks. The major symptoms include a lot of backaches, having difficulty sitting in one position for any lengthy amount of time, and feeling this summer heat!
Best Moment(s) This Week: Best moment(s) this week were getting our maternity pictures taken, attending a baby shower co-hosted by two of my close friends, Kate & Robin, and celebrating my sister’s 30th birthday.
Missing Anything: This week I’ve missed being able to do things on my own. I’m really starting to have to rely on others more, mainly Dusty. Normally I’d put something on a shelf or unload the groceries or carry something to my car without a second thought but now I have to ask for help with the smallest of things. And then I’m feeling guilty about having to ask for help. So weird, I know, to not want to ask for help when I’m almost 8 months pregnant but I sure can’t wait to be a little more independent again.
Looking Forward To: I’m looking forward to a productive week at home, teaching and finishing up some projects around the apartment. I’m also looking forward to our From Belly to Bassinet class we’re taking at the hospital this coming weekend. I know it’ll be long day but there are so many things that I’m sure we’ll learn.
Weekly Picture: This week’s picture was taken by our place in the Old Market. The dress is Forever 21.
***My weekly posts are written during the week and then posted the following week, after I’ve taken my weekly picture and I’ve had time to edit them.***