• Cantine California

    June 24, 2013

    While in Paris last summer Dusty happened to read a New York Times article about the growth of food trucks in Paris and specifically about a new gourmet taco and burger truck, Cantine California, that had just opened a couple months prior.  We had to try it out for several reasons: 1) we love street food and food trucks, 2) we love anyone using high quality, fresh, and local ingredients, and 3) we’re always ready to try something new.


    I’m not a huge hamburger fan and I wouldn’t say Dusty is either but I can’t deny that I really enjoyed everything about it including the homemade fries.  This year we ventured back for another delicious hamburger and tacos.  Dusty always gets the carnitas and I like the burgers + fries.  I was a little disappointed this year because my fries were a bit overcooked but overall, a great experience.

    Last year and again this year, we noticed a combination of American expats and young Parisians.  Both times there’s been a line and I think that’s a good sign that they’re doing something right.  I’d highly recommend the food truck if you’re looking for a great hamburger or tacos and roaming the streets of Paris.  I used a combination of pictures from both of our trips (the last row is from this year and the others are from last summer).  It was a bit nicer last year as you can see.

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  • Frenchie

    June 23, 2013

    Well before we got to Paris Dusty started thinking about where he (we) wanted to eat.  He made reservations almost three months ago at Frenchie.  Last summer we were able to get last minute reservations and loved it so much that we were excited to go again this summer.  Here’s the post from last summer if you’re interested in seeing what we had.

    They only seat approximately 3o guests and have two seatings (7pm and 9:30pm).   The menu changes weekly and includes two starters, two main dishes, and two desserts that you can choose from.  This is a perfect menu for Dusty and I because we don’t like ordering the same thing and this way we can each get one of the choices and have tried everything!  Of course we didn’t bring the camera so these pictures were taken with the iphone.

    frenchie_10Here’s the menu and a little selfie of us before we left for dinner.

    frenchie_2frenchie_3Tourteau, courgette, persil (Crab, zucchini, parsley, pasta)

    frenchie_4Poitrine de cochon, chou-fleur, rhubarbe (Pork belly, cauliflower, rhubarb)

    frenchie_5Volaille fermière, asperges, morilles, savagnin de voile (Chicken, asparagus, morels, wine sauce)

    frenchie_6Rouget, artichaut, feves (Fish, artichoke, beans)

    frenchie_7Citron, rhubarbe, glace au miel (Lemon, rhubarb, honey ice cream)

    frenchie_8Fraises des bois, faisselle, glace noisettes (Strawberries, cottage cheese, hazelnut ice cream)

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  • Saturne

    June 22, 2013


    While we’ve been in Paris this summer I’ve been updating our blog and at the same time, looking back at last year’s pictures from our trip.  It reminded me of all the great dinners we had last summer and that I never got around to blogging about all of them.  Saturne was one of those restaurants.  As you can expect, I can’t remember much from our dining experience other than that we got the wine pairing with our 7 course meal and that everything was delicious.

    saturne_002saturne_003navet de croissy, faisselle de chevre, groseille (turnip, cottage cheese goat, gooseberry)

    saturne_004thon blanc, concombre, amande fraiche (white tuna, cucumber, fresh almond)
    moules, grenaille au foin, plantes maritimes (molds, shot hay, sea plants)

    saturne_005homard bleu, radis, corail (blue lobster, radish, coral)
    pigeonneau, aubergine, girolles (squab, eggplant, mushrooms)

    saturne_006fraise, oseille, yaourt (strawberry, sorrel, yogurt)
    chocolate, betterave, malt (chocolate, beets, malt)

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  • Last summer while in Paris Dusty said that he really wanted to have steak and frites.  He ended up getting his steak frites at a nameless bistro one night while we were out but it was a huge letdown.  This summer we were on a search for the best (or at least a better) steak frites.

    On a side note, I don’t think I’ve mentioned how much research Dusty does on a city’s food scene before and during our trips (why I call it research I don’t know because he really enjoys reading about food).  Well, let’s just say he spends quite a bit of time making sure we eat well.  He did some digging into the best steak frites in Paris and after some due diligence he thought we should try Le Relais de l’Entrecôte.

    steakfrites_001 steakfrites_002steakfrites_007

    Le Relais de l’Entrecôte is most definitely known for their steak frites, probably because this is the only thing they serve.  They have two locations in Paris and don’t take reservations.

    Each evening a line forms outside the restaurant before they open at 7pm.  We arrived at 7:05pm.  As you can see from the pictures, the line was long.  We were a little worried we might not get in with the first seating and would have to wait (normally not a big deal unless you’re pregnant and have been walking around Paris all day).  It is a big restaurant though so we got lucky and got a table just fine.  We did see others show up shortly after us who had to wait until the next seating.

    So, after getting seated our waitress handed us a drink menu and simply asked us in French, “medium or well done?”  I thought our waitress was very pleasant.  There is no menu because seriously, the only thing they serve is steak frites.


    Next came out Dusty’s wine, a lettuce walnut salad that’s included with the meal, and bread.  The salad was very simple but I thought delicious.  It comes with a mustard vinaigrette which Dusty thought was a little too spicy for him (it’s a spicy dijon mustard vinaigrette I’m assuming) but I thought it was perfect.


    After our waitress picked up our salad plates she brought out plates of steak frites with this delicious greenish sauce n the steak for each of us.  Each person’s dish is presented in two servings.  You receive a plate-side portion of steak frites and once you’re done, they bring you out a second helping that is put on your plate.  Both the steak and frites were really good.


    The whole process is quite interesting to watch.  The sauce was really great and important to note.  When Dusty had his steak frites last summer one of the letdowns was the sauce but Le Relais de l’Entrecôte’s signature sauce was delicious.  According to one of the blogs I follow and a newspaper article on the restaurant, the sauce is made from chicken livers, fresh thyme and thyme flowers, cream, white Dijon mustard, butter, and water, plus salt and pepper and in my opinion, why the restaurant is such a success.


    Dessert is optional.  At the end of the meal we were given two dessert menus, one written in French and one that had pictures of the desserts.  We shared some type of delicious chocolate cake/brownie with ice cream and whipped cream.

    It was the perfect steak frites dinner (especially for someone who’s pregnant and doesn’t always like making choices).  The salad, steak and frites meal cost somewhere around 28 euros each and the dessert was an additional 7 euros.  If you’re looking for choices this most definitely isn’t the place for you but if you’re looking for a nice steak frites then I would highly recommend.

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  • French Open

    June 20, 2013


    We were able to go to the French Open a few weekends ago and got so lucky because it was the first really nice day in Paris since we arrived.  It had rained almost everyday (at some point during the day) the week prior and I was a little worried that we wouldn’t get to see any matches or have to sit around in puddles of rain.

    Like I said last year, Dusty and I are both novices when it comes to tennis but what we love is going to cheer the athletes on, especially the American and French players as well as be a part of the excitement surrounding the event.

    frenchopen2012_002 frenchopen2012_003 frenchopen2012_004

    My favorite match to watch this year (and last year) was the Bryan brothers (see them above).  They’re ranked number 1 in the world for men’s doubles and really put on a great show.  They not only won the match but ended up winning the French Open men’s doubles.  We also got to see them play in 2010 in Omaha when they were on tour and probably another reason I’m such a fan.

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  • 29 Weeks

    June 20, 2013


    This week our bambino is the size of a butternut squash.  We spent another great week in Paris.  Dusty worked a lot again.  I enjoyed a couple of afternoons at the park and started prepping for my summer classes.  Dusty did find some time to leave the apartment this weekend and Friday we went for a great lunch at Verjus.  Then on Saturday went for a long walk around the city, ending with some great steak frites at Le Relais de l’Entrecôte.  Sunday was Father’s day and we took some time to relax together at the park.

    When I’m out and about I spend a lot of time watching parents with their children (and looking at strollers–I love all of the European style strollers).  Dusty and I talk often about what it will be like to come to Paris with our little bambino.  We’re not sure when that will happen but we do know it will happen!

    Gender & Name: We have a name picked our for our little bambino but we’re not making it official until we meet her.

    Weight Gain:  No scale in Paris! I’ve been eating a lot of fruits and vegetables but I’m also in love with nutella so I’m not sure what that means for my weight gain.

    Maternity Clothes: The week was split between the high 70s and lower 60s so I’ve been wearing cotton dresses when it’s warmer and maternity jeans and t-shirts when it’s cooler.

    Sleep: This week I’ve started waking up in the middle of the night a little more than usual.  My belly is most definitely getting bigger and it’s getting more difficult to stay comfortable so I wake up every few hours to switch from laying on one side to the other.  No complaining though, I go back to sleep very easily and wake up feeling refreshed.

    Food: I’m trying to get all of the nutrients I need to keep our bambino healthy so I’ve been trying to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and grains.  Specifically, lots of bananas, raspberries, peaches, oranges, avocados, green beans, and lentils.  And yes, I’m still craving sweets!

    Movement:  She’s still a mover and a shaker and we love it.  It’s so much fun to feel her move around all of the time.  I haven’t felt any braxton hicks which my weekly emails say can start at anytime.

    Belly Button:  It’s still half in, half out.

    Mood: Bambino and I have been in a great mood this week.  Like I said a few weeks ago, who wouldn’t be in a good mood spending a month in Paris.

    Best Moment(s) This Week: Best thing this week was spending quality time with Dusty.  I’m cherishing every moment we have together while I can.  I can’t put into words how much I’ve loved going through this pregnancy with Dusty and being able to share it with him.  He’s been such a supportive husband and couldn’t have asked for a better partner.

    Missing Anything: This week I’ve really missed lying on my stomach.  I really missed lying on my stomach when I went to the park and just wanted to sprawl out on my blanket (most definitely can’t do that) and then during the night when it gets difficult to sleep.

    Looking Forward To: Looking forward to our last week in Paris!  During the last week we’re always trying to fit in as many fun things as we can before we leave.

    Weekly Picture:  This week’s picture was taken outside our apartment at the Bastille.  This time around you can actually see the monument in the background.  I’m wearing a sleeveless striped black maternity dress from H&M (different then the one I wore a couple weeks ago) and a pink scarf I bought on a vacation many years ago.

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  • L’Eclair De Genie

    June 19, 2013


    One of my obsessions this trip has been eclairs.  I really think it’s the baby that’s gotten me addicted to all of these delicious Parisian sweets.  A few of the Paris blogs I follow have something called an Eclair Smackdown.  They try a whole bunch of eclairs from some of the best pastry shops and then vote on which ones were the best.  One of the top winners was L’Eclair de Genie, which happens to be very close to our apartment so I thought I should sample some.


    If you’re wondering what an eclair is, it’s an oblong pastry made with dough filled with a cream and topped with icing.  It originated in France and was called “pain à la duchesse” or “petite duchesse” until 1850.


    L’Eclair de Genie is located just a block off the main road that takes you from the Bastille to the Louvre.  You have to know about this place to find it and wouldn’t just happen to stumble on it.  I’ve been there twice now and I can say that people do search for it because there’s always a line (not too long though).  I chose three that sounded delicious and took them home for Dusty and I to do our own taste test.  Our favorite was the caramel beurre sale (salted butter caramel) but we’re really addicted to anything of this flavor.  Our least favorite was the chocolat lait caramelia.  For me, it had a weird taste and I wasn’t very fond of it.  The chocolate grand cru had this wonderful dark chocolate flavor and resembled a traditional eclair.  One of my favorite parts to all of these gourmet stores is that all of the employees wear gloves.  They treat the merchandise as though it is a a precious gift.  And they put them in the cutest boxes too.  Click on the picture above if you’d like to see the ingredients at a closer glance.


    As a reference, these eclairs cost 4.50 euros to 6 euros.  The eclairs at our local patisserie, just around the corner from us, cost 2.20 euros and are quite good but only come in three flavors, chocolate, vanilla and pistachio.  Again,  there’s no way to compare the gourmet L’Eclair de Genie eclairs with your everyday eclair.  It’s like comparing hershey chocolate to a handcrafted gourmet chocolate.  You’re trying to compare apples to oranges.  Hershey chocolate is good but every once in a while you have to have the gourmet chocolate (or eclair) as a special treat.

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  • Photoshop 101 – Week 2

    June 18, 2013

    Screen Shot 2013-06-16 at 3.20.54 AM

    This week in my Photoshop 101 class I learned: Camera raw-crop tool, horizon line, and vignette; Move around Photoshop; Select, refine, & duplicate objects; Use blending modes, opacity; Mask out object; and Add text.

    What I think I’m enjoying the most this week is learning all of the Photoshop shortcuts as well as learning how to do things the right way.  There are many things I do but I knew I wasn’t always doing them the proper way.  There are many times that I hack things together in Photoshop by trial and error but they’re not always the best methods.

    One of the pieces of homework I worked on this week was adding texts and using blending modes.  Here’s a before and after of one of the pictures I took for another post about éclairs.

    DSC_0604 l'eclairdegenie_006

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  • This past week my baby bump photo was a little more difficult to do than those in the past because we took the picture at the Louvre where there were thousands of people milling around.  I thought it might be fun to show you the original pictures I used and how I put them together.


    I used these first two photos above because they had the best front and side views.  I usually find just two photos but because of the people and the bike I had to use a third photo.  The one below is perfect because they aren’t any people or objects in the immediate background,  the problem is that I have my eyes closed.


    After selecting my photos, I went into Photoshop and took the background (or most of it) out of the first two photos using layer masks and combined them together (as you see below) before combining them with the third photo that has no extra people or bikes (which you can see below as well).  Because the third photo is almost identical to the second photo I didn’t have to make too many additional adjustments to the photo.

    Screen Shot 2013-06-16 at 4.30.51 PMScreen Shot 2013-06-16 at 4.39.08 PM

    And now you have my weekly baby bump photo with no extra people or bikes.  The last thing I do is either make small manual adjustments in Photoshop or run a Photoshop action that is used to enhance my image (i.e., color pop, smooth skin, retouching, etc.).  For example, in one of my originals you can see my bra just under my arm and in the final image I’ve removed it.

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  • Cafe Constant

    June 16, 2013


    This past weekend Dusty and I got out of the apartment and spent a great day sightseeing around Paris.  As I mentioned in another post  we went to ‪Galeries Lafayette, a huge upscale department store to visit the grocery department, which is like a gourmet supermarket with kiosks of some of the highest end products you’ll ever see.  After Galeries Lafayette we strolled around the Eiffel Tower and then ended up at Cafe Constant.

    Christian Constant owns three restaurants on the same block near the Eiffel Tour: Le Violon d’Ingres, Les Cocottes and Café Constant.  Le Violon is considered his Michelin star high-end establishment, Les Cocottes is somewhere in the middle and then Cafe Constant is your traditional everyday dining bistro. Even though the later two aren’t high-end establishments, they still use high quality ingredients and are absolutely wonderful places.  We’ve been to Les Cocottes twice (once this summer and once last summer) and absolutely love it.

    They don’t take reservations at Cafe Constant and so you must wait your turn to get a spot in this coveted place.  The restaurant opens at 7pm and we arrived just five minutes after.  Everything you read says to get there early.  The place is small so the line forms outside (thank goodness it wasn’t raining).  There was a line but nothing we couldn’t handle.  We waited about 20 minutes before getting to the front and happened to get the last 2 spots at the bar.  What we missed before we got there was that there must have been a much longer line because if I were to guess, the place seats less than 55 people.  What we found out was that those behind us could put their name on a list and have a drink while lingering outside or come back at whatever time they were told.  I didn’t think this was too bad considering their are plenty of cafes close by to have a glass of wine and if you have an hour to waste, the Eiffel Tour is very close.


    Dusty started out with tartare de saumon, hitres et bar au gingembre (salmon tartare on top of three raw oysters with shallots and ginger) and I started out with one of their specials for the evening, squid with bit of chorizo in the middle and this wonderful broth.  We both loved our starters.

    cafeconstant_004 cafeconstant_005

    For our main dish Dusty had the Escalope de veau Cordon-Bleu comme l’aiment nos enfants (veal cordon bleu “as the kids like it”) and I had the parmentier de cuisse de canard cruise au win rough, pommes gaufrettes (duck with a red wine sauce, potatoes, apples, wafers).  We thought the cordon bleu “as the kids like it” was a play on words and would be more of a gourmet cordon bleu but it wasn’t and nothing to write home about.  It tasted good but we were hoping for something a little more elevated.  We loved my dish and thought it was well executed.  Dusty obliged and helped me finish my dish so I didn’t have to leave anything on the plate uneaten.


    We ended the meal by sharing the riz au lait a la vanille (rice pudding with caramel sauce) for dessert.  It was a very good rice pudding.  It’s not my favorite Paris rice pudding but I’d eat it again.  The prices were very reasonable as well.  Entrees (starters or appetizers) were 11 euros, plats (main dishes) were 16 euros, and desserts were 7 euros.

    Dusty and I eat late, especially while we’re in Paris.  The locals don’t eat until well after 8 or 9pm.  We even had dinner reservations at 10:30pm once.  Restaurants don’t even open until 7pm and when you see people in restaurants or cafe’s that early you know they’re Americans.  At Cafe Constant eating late is a bit hard to do because you must wait in line to get a spot.  It was well worth eating early though and we crossed another item off of our Paris bucket list!

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